Photography: Eagle Vision Photography
Hey, Curvee Sisters! Can we get real for a minute? A few weeks ago, my stress levels were through the roof. My boo & I were having issues, my bff & I had a bad disagreement that caused us not to speak for a few days, my immediate family structure changed drastically...quickly, AND it was election season so my 9-to-5 life was hectic. With all of this going on I still had to put on my happy go lucky persona & smile like nothing was wrong. Y'all....your girl was seriously struggling mentally. I felt like I was being used mentally and emotionally from everyone and at the end of the day, there was nothing left to give to myself.

One night, I finally broke. I laid in my bed and cried my eyes out. I didn't have anything else in me to give. I put my phone on DND, plugged in my headphones, turned up my music, opened my journal, and wrote my heart out. I think my journal was filled w/ more tears than words. Journaling has become so therapeutic for me. It feels like it's how I communicate w/ God and when I finish writing he gives me the answers to whatever my problems/prayers/thoughts are. After this journaling session, my answer was VERY clear. He told me to choose myself.
Dress: Maria Paulina

I'm so guilty of putting other peoples feelings and happiness above my own. I'd swallow my thoughts and opinions because I thought this was the "right" thing to do. I was under the impression that doing this would make me a better person. When in reality, all I was doing was sacrificing my happiness and silencing my voice. Sacrificing yourself for others is never the right choice. We must choose ourselves unapologetically every time.

No more being afraid of saying NO and standing in it. No more giving more of myself than necessary.  Tbh, if you're mentally & emotionally drained can you really help or give to anyone else? I know I can't, everything just kind of goes into one ear and out the other. Or people are met w/ an "and what the hell do you want attitude?" lol.

Curvee Sisters, choosing ourselves is the most unselfish thing we can do for ourselves and the people around us. Choosing yourself is making self-care a priority for your mind, body, and soul!  

How are you going to choose yourself more often? Do you struggle with choosing yourself? 
 Thanks for Reading